The Walnut Genealogy Society celebrated the 25th anniversary of the society with an open house held at the Walnut Public Library on Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 2 to 4 p.m. 23 people attended and were served cookies and beverages. Pastor Paul Hutchins came from his new home in Wisconsin and spoke about the beginning of the society. The special edition of Antique City Roots, WGS’s newsletter, was given out. The newly published Lincoln Township Cemetery book written by Barbara Butcher and Karen Hansen was available for purchase. It includes information on all of the people buried in that rural cemetery, which is southwest of Walnut.
Lincoln Township Cemetery books, Antique City Roots and Walnut, Iowa, A Walk Down Memory Lane 1871-1996 are still available. The cemetery book costs $20, the 25th anniversary newsletter is free. The Walk Down Memory Lane book is $10.