Walnut.—This village is growing this year with remarkable rapidity, and has developed a business snap seldom found in towns of its age. There are some fifteen new houses now being erected and still others are under contract. The rapidity of its growth can be accounted for by the fact that it is situated in the center of as fine an agricultural country as there is anywhere in the world. Among the more noticeable improvements is a very nice high school building and the Catholic Church, which is a handsome structure. The most important addition to the business interests of the town, is the establishment of Exchange Bank, by E. R. Hinckley. It is an institution that our growing, enterprising, wide awake sister town has long stood in need of, and had become a pressing necessity. Our young friend C. R. Hinckley is cashier—than whom no more genial, gentlemanly and prompt young man in business transactions could be found. We are glad to know that the enterprise starts out with flattering prospects.
Our stay in Walnut was brief and mostly occupied with business matters, but we met and chatted with a number of her live business men, and we found doing that the prevailing sentiment was that Avoca was a little too close to Walnut ever to amount to much.
The contract for the erection of an elevator there has been let—M. J. Moran doing the mason work on the foundation. The building will be 24 x 40 and is to be completed in July. Mr. Scott of Marengo, is the gentleman who is building it. He is a thoroughly business man and will be an acquisition that Walnut may well be proud of.
We shall pay our friends another visit soon, when we propose to give the style cost and character of their improvements more in detail. (June 3, 1875 p. 3)
WANTED.–2,000 acres of land broken. The highest price paid. Inquire of Avery, Spangler & Co, Walnut, Iowa. (June 10, 1875, p. 3)
Collections promptly made and a general
banking business transacted.
C. R. HINCKLEY, Cashier.
(June 17, 1875, p. 1)
SCOTCH CLYDE will stand the season of 1875 at my stable in Avoca Ia, teams $20 to insure. Scotch Clyde is a dapple bay, 16 hands high and weighs 1500 pounds.
Every precaution will be taken to avoid accidents, and all such must be at the owners risk. Any person parting with an insured mare before known to be with foal forfeits the insurance.
These horses will stand Tuesdays at Walnut; Wednesdays at Shelby Station; Thursdays at D. S. Payne’s, 6 miles south of Avoca. GARRETT BERGEN. (July 8, 1875, p. 3)
The “Avoca Stars” play with the Walnut baseball club a match game today, Thursday. A lively time is expected. (July 22, 1875, p. 3)
Avery & Spangler, of Walnut, are remodeling their grain house, with a view to opening out lively with the coming crop. (July 29, 1875, p. 4)
Joseph Boiler, sold his section of land, lying near Walnut to a Mr. Welty, of Cass county, last week, for the snug little sum of $16,400. (July 29, 1875, p. 3)
Mr. E. R. Hinckley, of Walnut, has purchased the Wisconsin House in that place and will probably fit it up for a residence. (July 29, 1875, p. 3)
We learn that our esteemed fellow citizen, Sherman Chamberlin, has rented Ernst Miller’s building in Walnut, and proposes to put in a stock of groceries shortly. Mr. Chamberlin is a thorough business man and a number one citizen, who is as straight as a string in all business transactions. Our sister town will find Mr. C a valuable acquisition to their community. We most heartily wish him success in his new field of operations. (July 29, 1875, p. 3)
A fellow giving his name as Chas Logan, who sported rather more jewelry than it was thought proper for one man to have, was arrested here on Monday. Marshal Beswick had been watching him for an hour or two, which the lad noticed. He went down to the south side of the track and started on a run westward. Beswick took a short cut on the gent, arriving at the section house crossing just in time to request a confab with the youth, who had climbed into a wagon, with a view to following Greeley’s advice about “going west.” The marshal called him and Chas. marched up to him, when he inquired where he stole that jewelry. He lifted up his voice and wept, affirming that it stuck to his fingers in Walnut. An examination of his harness, brought to light a fine nickel plated revolver, six sells [?] of jewelry, a gold pen, and several other nic nax [knick knacks?]. He was led to the calaboose where, like Rachel, bathed in tears, he refused to be comforted. A preliminary examination before Squire-Bergen on Tuesday led to his introduction to Fort Moss. Since the above was in type we learn that parties from Walnut have identified the stolen property and taken it home. The thief proves to be a boy of sixteen whom it is proposed to send to reform school. (August 19, 1875, p. 3)
As will be seen by posters scattered around, there will be a company of boys here on the 3d of September, under the auspices of the Childrens Aid Society, in search of homes among the farmers. This will be a good chance to secure a boy for those who want one. (August 19, 1875, p. 3)
We made a trip to Walnut last week and were surprised at the evidences of improvement that met our gaze. Particulars next week. (August 19, 1875, p. 3
W. H. Linfor, the J. P. and popular grocer of Walnut gave these headquarters a call on Tuesday. (August 19, 1875, p. 3)
On Sunday a man living about five miles south of Walnut, came into town and informed the officers that during his absence to church, someone entered his house, and went through it, getting $20 in money, a watch and some clothing. Up to the time of going to press no clue has been obtained of the thief. Farmers when they leave home would do well to take their money and valuables with them. (August 26, 1875, p. 3)
E. R. Hinckley, of Walnut, has three hundred acres of wheat that will shell out to the tune of five thousand bushels. (August 26, 1875, p. 3)
The young chap who was arrested in Avoca last week for stealing jewelry at Walnut, has been discharged by Judge Stockton, with the promise that he will go home and sin no more. (August 26, 1875, p. 3)
Real Estate Loan & Collecting Agents,
IMPROVED FARMS and wild lands for sale
in Pottawattamie, Shelby, Audubon and
Cass counties. Special attention given to
collections. Money loaned on improved
farms in sums to suit.
(September 2, 1875)

(September 9, 1875, p. 1)
The farmers’ home dance was held at the school house in Walnut Tuesday night and was largely attended by Avoca. (September 2, 1875, p. 3)
Walnut merchants are drawing a big trade from Cass and Shelby counties. (September 2, 1875, p. 3)
Walnut is going to incorporate. A petition signed by a large number of her citizens has been sent to the Judge of this district. (September 9, 1875, p. 3)
Capt. M. B. Frisbie, of Walnut, will be one of the petit jurors at the next term of the United States Circuit Court, which convenes at Des Moines on the 11th of October. (September 23, 1875, p. 3)
Walnut is now to have a newspaper. Vaughan & Hubbard are the publishers, James Ledwich, editor. The paper will be known as the “Walnut” Advocate and Bugle Supplement.” (September 23, 1875, p. 3)
The Walnut Advocate wants an editor. Now is the time to aspire or bust. (October 21, 1875 p. 3)