(Continued from January 2023 ACR)

The Turner Society of this city have made some very nice grounds on the Walnut road opposite the house of W. B. Cuppy. They had a rousing old picnic there on the 30th. Now we should like to know why the Turner Society do not contract for our home brass band or else organize one of their own out of the very fine musical talent they have in their society. A brass band would very materially add to their gala days, and attract a large crowd. Gentleman, what do you think of it? Don’t you think it would be a good thing?  (June 3, 1875)

Money to loan on Short Notice! —Improved Farms for Sale!

JAMES LEDWICH, Notary Public.     W. H. LINFOR, Justice of the Peace

James Ledwich & Co.,

Real Estate, Loan & Collecting Agents,

WALNUT,  –  –  IOWA.

75,000 Acres of wild land for sale at low prices and easy terms of payment.  Also

Improved farms in desirable locations.


We offer superior inducements to farmers wishing to borrow money for a term of years to improve their farms and buy more land.  We can furnish money on short notice, as we loan for parties living in this State, thus avoiding all unnecessary delay, as is the case where applications are sent East and the party is sometimes compelled to wait from two to six months before receiving their money.  GIVE US A CALL.  (May 18, 1876, p. 1) [Ed Note:  The same ad ran in the September 21, 1876 Avoca Delta with only the name of W. H. Linfor.]

“My boy,” remarked a good man in Walnut the other day, to a lad who had just emerged from a hair-pulling match with another boy, “Do you expect to rove hereafter in a land of pure delight?”  “No said the lad” “I have busted another button off’n my trowsers and I expect to get licked for it.”  (May 18, 1876, p. 3)

W. H. Bowman, of Walnut Station, has returned from Ohio.

Cyrus Walker, of Walnut, will take in the Centennial and return in time to harvest his wheat.

We call attention to the card of Jas. Ledwich & Co. of Walnut, which appears in this issue.  This firm is a reliable one and any business entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention.  We bespeak for them a liberal patronage.  (May 25, 1876, p. 3)

There will be a grand concert given at the School House in Walnut, on Friday evening, June 9.  It will be a first-class entertainment in every respect.  Mr. Smith, as leader, will be assisted by Mrs. Chapman, of Atlantic, Miss Nash, of Avoca, and other singers, and our readers may expect a rare musical treat.  The price of admission is twenty-five cents, and the proceeds are to be devoted to the balance due on their Sunday School organ.  Let everybody go.  (June 1, 1876, p. 3)

J. H. Henry’s elevator at Walnut came near going up in a flame on Friday, caused by a spontaneous combustion in the coal slack in the engine room. A timely discovery only saved the building.

Mr. J. Benson, At Walnut, has invented a machine that is annihilating the grasshopper now vegetating north of there in Shelby county.  Those who have seen the machine work say it is a success; and that section is rapidly clearing the pest from the section.  Mr. Benson is manufacturing them for farmers afflicted with the critters.  (June 22, 1876, p. 3)

For Sale.

I offer for sale my farm consisting 160 acres three miles northwest of Walnut on the Shelby county line.  It has living water, a stream that never goes dry – two wells, one for livestock and the other at house.  A grove of 300 young trees, a good frame house with cellar, 10 x 36 with L 12 x 16.  A good frame barn, sheds, outbuildings, &c.  This is both a grain and livestock farm.  I will sell on long or short time, with or without crop – give possession at any time.  Call on or address C. WALKER, Walnut, Iowa.  (June 29, 1876, p. 2)


Notice is hereby given that the firm of Dalrymple & Bruce, druggists in Walnut, Iowa, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts of the firm remain in the hands of Mr. Bruce for settlement. Parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm will please come forward and settle promptly. Walnut, Ia, July 3, 1876.

The barn of Lewis Burdick three miles south of Walnut was destroyed by fire on Monday, including five head of horses, hay and some agricultural implements.  Mr. and Mrs. Burdick were absent and the children became too playful with matches—hence the result.  It is a serious loss to Mr. B. (July 6, 1876, p. 3)

During the prevalence of the storm on Tuesday evening, the resident of James L. Woodhouse, at Walnut, was struck by lightning and sadly discouraged. The chimney is a total wreck and the house is badly damaged. It was insured with R. P. Foss of this place, agent for a fire and lightning company.  (July 20, 1876, p. 3)

Joseph Boiler’s residence in Walnut was struck by lightning on last Friday and damaged to the amount of a hundred dollars. This is the second house struck by lightning in Walnut within a month.  (August 3, 1876, p. 3)

ANOTHER FAILURE–Again the Massillon Harvester proves its worthlessness in the field, and is again completely scooped by the Elward, making the third time it has been beaten by this same machine—the Elward. The circumstances are as follows: Mr. C. I. Welty, two and one half miles north of Walnut, buys two harvesters, one Massillon and one Elward. Both machines are started by their respective agents and then left to the management of Mr. Welty. The Massillon harvester failed as soon as it entered a difficult field of wheat and could not follow the Elward. Mr. Welty says he made two rounds with the Elward to the Massillon’s one. He notified the agent, T. O. Meredith, after three day’s tinkering. Bro. Meredith takes another machine from Walnut, with like result. Mr. Welty by this time becomes disgusted with the Massillon and drives to Avoca and gets another Elward, with which he is as well satisfied as he was with the first one. Thus ends the harvester war, with the Elward far in advance of all others—the highest draft harvester made. Not a field trial lost nor a dissatisfied purchaser during the past harvest. Meredith must know by this time that neither he nor his Massillon are able to compete with the Elward—the acknowledged king of Harvesters.   VAN BRUNT & SONS.  (August 17, 1876, p. 3)

The new mail route from Walnut to Red Oak has been established and the contract for carrying the same has been awarded to Mr. John Sankey of Walnut who intends to run a hack line. This, we hope will enable us to get our paper to our subscribers in that part of the country earlier in the week than heretofore. The route will be a great convenience to the citizens in that section.

W. H. Linfor, of Walnut, gave us a call on Monday.  He reports the town lively and grasshoppers all gone.  He has purchased James Ledwich’s interest in the real estate, insurance, and collecting agency, and will immediately engage extensively in the business.

On the heels of the newspaper swindles an enterprising newspaper man was in Walnut recently, intent on starting a Peter Cooper paper.  The citizens threatened to boot him out of town and he left.  The News man had better stay, for the present where he is.  (August 31, 1876, p. 3)

We call attention to the public sale advertisement of C. Walker which appears in this issue.  As will be seen, he proposes to sell his farm and the whole outfit.  Any man who wants a good stock farm should not fail to be there.  (September 7, 1876, p. 3)



I will offer at public auction, on Monday, Oct. 2d, 1876, the following property, to-wit: 1 Devon bull, 40 head of cattle, 70 head fine blooded stock hogs, 4 head of horses, 4 wagons, 1 light buggy, 1 Wood reaper, nearly new, 1 corn planter, 1 corn plow, 3 stirring plows, 1 harrow, 2 sets double harness, and some household and kitchen furniture, 50 acres of corn in the field, also one of the finest grain and stock farms in Shelby county, Iowa.  3 miles northwest of Walnut Station, on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, comprising 160 acres.  Good running water on it, all well improved, which I will sell on the following terms: On bids of $28 and under per acre $1,000 cash, balance in one, two, and three years.  Over $28 same cash payment and five years’ time. 

Terms of sale on personal property-a credit of twelve months will be given, purchaser giving the note with approved security without interest.  Notes not paid when due ten per cent, from date.  Sums under $10 cash. The hogs will be sold for cash.  Sale to commence at 10 o’clock a.m. C. WALKER John Cool, Auctioneer.  (September 7, 1876, p. 3)

A game of baseball was played between the Walnut and Avoca clubs on Friday afternoon on the grounds on the south side. The score stood 36 to 12 in favor of Avoca.  (September 7, 1876, p. 3)