Walnut Items From The Avoca Delta, 1875


Before Walnut Had Its Own Newspaper

Last Sunday J. O. Stringer living about four miles east of town went over to a neighbors to get his gun which had been borrowed.  On his return he had to climb over a fence, and just as he reached the top it gave way, throwing the gun forward, the cock striking a rail and the gun going off, discharging a heavy load of No. 4 shot into his shoulder.  The muzzle of the gun was so close to him that the charge set his clothes on fire.  After receiving the wound, he walked about half a mile to the house of a German, before he could get assistance, who hauled him home in a wagon.  Drs. Nye and Carman were immediately summoned to the case, and found the patient in a shockingly mangled condition.  The humerus was litterly [literally] blown to pieces, the Scapula was also partially torn off, and the fleshy parts shot to a perfect jelly.  These gentlemen fixed him up temporarily, at the same time assuring him that his arm would have to come off.  On Monday they returned to his bedside, calling Dr. Hanna, of Walnut.  In consultation—the result of which was a unanimous opinion that an amputation would have to be made.  They accordingly informed the patient and his wife of the decision, at the same time telling them that he would certainly die as he was, that he might die during the operation and that if he lived through it, there was a chance, though small, for his recovery.  Having thus frankly stated the case, it was the wish of both Mr. Stringer and his wife that the operation proceed.  In the afternoon a shoulder amputation was made, in which the fact was developed that even the head of the humerus was crushed to atoms, as well as the bones of the arm and a great many pieces of bone had to be extracted from the soft parts during the operation.  It was one of the finest operations we ever saw, and, though difficult and dangerous, by reason of there being so many large arteries to ligate, was accomplished with the loss of not over two ounces of blood.  Whether Mr. Stringer dies or recovers, the operation will be considered a success by all surgeons, and will also be regarded as one of the finest and most difficult ever performed in Western Iowa.  The gentlemen engaged in it are justly entitled to a place in the very front rank of Iowa surgeons.  The patient came out of the operation in fine condition, and considering the extent and dangerous position of the wound, as well as the strain and shock his system has undergone, the patient at last accounts was doing remarkably well.  (January 21, 1875, p. 3)

(February 4, 1875, p. 1)



  February 28th, 1875, at  the  office of

  W. H. Linfor, J. P., in Walnut Station

  Mr. George  H.  Morann  to  Mrs.  E.

  Tumbleson, all of Pottawattamie Co.

(February 4, 1875, p. 3)

In the Iowa Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996 at ancestry.com, we found George H. Moran married Elizabeth Tumbleson on January 28, 1875 in Walnut, Iowa.

At Walnut Station everybody and his wife and the rest of the family, is going to build a house this summer.  That town bristles all over with enterprise.  (February 11, 1875, p. 3)

Walnut Station wants a bank and banker.  Here is a chance for the right man in the right place.

‘Oh, what nice bread!”  “How did you do such nice baking?”  “Why, we got a new cook stove from Naugle Brothers, at Walnut.”  (February 18, 1875, p. 3)


Tragedy at Walnut!

Hans Christianson Chops a Youth’s Head up with Hatchet!

A tragedy occurred about three miles north-east of Walnut last Sunday, the details of which would serve to convince the variest skeptic of the truth of the doctrine of total depravity.

It was a case of nest hiding, but unlike ordinary cases of that description, this time a young German named Frum was the victim, and an old gal, the wife of Hans Christianson, the gay Lothario.  It was a job put up on the young man for black-mailing purposes.

It appears Christianson connived to place Frum and his wife on terms of apparent intimacy, and by her assistance, succeeded so well—Frum being a boarder in the house—in their designs, that about three weeks ago, Christianson charged him with criminal intimacy with his wife and demanded satisfaction.  Frum fixed his aching heart with forty dollars in money and a hundred bushels of corn, — This hushed matters up for a time, and things went on swimmingly, Frum meantime very foolishly boarding in the family same as before the job was put up on him.

Last Saturday Christianson went to Frum and demanded a note which Frum held against him for three hundred dollars—at the same time stating that he had seen him in bed with his wife that morning, and that if he didn’t give up the note he would kill him for it.  They talked awhile and Frum turned on his heel and left him.  On Sunday, Christianson again demanded the note, and upon the refusal of Frum to give it up, attacked him with a hatchet, cutting nine ghastly gashes in his head and breaking the skull in two places—so severely wounding him that he will probably die.

Christianson and wife were arrested on Sunday evening and brought to Walnut where their trial took place on Tuesday.  Up to the time of going to press the trial was still in progress, but the admissions of Christianson and his wife, and the testimony taken, renders the conviction of the guilty pair certain.  The most intense excitement prevails at Walnut, especially among the Germans, and should Frum die it is feared that the threats, so freely indulged in, of lynching Christianson, will be carried into effect.  We hope the law will be allowed to take its course, and that our sister town will not sully its fair fame by taking matters into their own hands, no matter what the aggravation of the case may be. 

The following resolutions of respect were passed by Eureka Grange, No. 1615, on the death of Mrs. W. H. Linfor who was a worthy and efficient member of that society.

Resolved, That in the melancholy and unexpected decease of our loved sister, the Eureka Grange has lost one of its most worthy and efficient members, and whose memory each member will ever hold in dear remembrance and that we feeling deeply pained at this sudden bereavement extend our sincere regards and united condolence and sympathy to the sorely afflicted husband and children and numerous friends of the deceased in this day of their sorest trouble.

Resolved, That as an expression of the just esteem in which our deceased sister was held the members of this Grange drape their hall in mourning at its next session, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to THE AVOCA DELTA for publication, one to W. H. Linfor, husband of the deceased, and that they be recorded among the archives of the Grange.  M. B. FRISBIE, W M; LEWIS ALFORD, Secretary.

The hotel in Walnut has changed hands.  The Catholic Society of Walnut will hold a grand festival and social hop on St. Patrick’s Day.


During the balance of this season I shall offer Fall and Winter Dry Goods and Clothing at such prices as will sell them in order to reduce stock.  Call and get prices.  W. H. LINFOR.  (February 25, 1875, p. 3)

The trial of Christianson, the big high-muck-a-muck of the Walnut case of nest-hiding, of which we spoke at length last week, resulted in his being bound over to appear at the next term of the District Court.  He failed to give bail and is now ruminating on the vanities of life, at Fort Moss in Council Bluffs, where he will eat county grub for a few weeks.  The victim of his attack is not yet dead and hopes are now entertained of his ultimate recovery, while his “loviress who is a harpoon duck,” sighs as she thinks of her Lord as he languishes in a loathsome bastille.  Such is life.

Since the above was in type, we learn that the testimony does not show that any black mailing was done—our informant says the testimony did not prove anything.

     Mr. Charles Barns will sell at public sale at his residence three and one-half miles southeast of Walnut, on next Satur-

day, forty head of good cattle, several horses, farming implements, &c., on the very best terms.  See advertisement in another column.

Sale of Stock!

      I will sell at public sale three and one-half miles southeast of Walnut


Several Horses,

ON NEXT SATURDAY, March 6, 1875.               CHARLES BARNS.


   I will sell at public auction, on the farm of Isaac Hunt, two and one-half miles east of Losh’s mill, Pottawattamie county,

On Saturday, March 13th, 1875,

The following property:  About 40 head of stock cattle, consisting of 20 hd of steers, 15 cows and heifers, 7 calves, 4 head of good work horses, 2 sets of work harness, two wagons, 1 pair of bob-sleds, 1 Wood mower–nearly new.

Terms of Sale:  All sums under $10 cash.  A credit of six months will be given without interest with approved security.  If not paid when due 10 per cent.  Interest will be charged from date.  The above property will be sold without reserve as the subscriber intends leaving the country for the benefit of his health.  Sale to commence at 10 o’clock, a. m.                                              ALFRED BAILEY (March 4, 1875, p. 3)

Strayed–$15 Reward!

   Strayed from the subscriber living two miles north of Walnut Creek Station, Ia., three horses, described as follows: One light colored gray mare with foal, 6 years old; one iron gray mare 4 years old, with a lump on one hind leg; one suckling stud colt, black.  Any one returning them to me, or furnishing information leading to their recovery will receive a reward of $15.               EDWARD NISSEN

(March 11, 1875, p. 3)

   That young man in Walnut, who waltzed away from under his girl’s window the other night—where he had been sweetly serenading—with a fourteen pound bull pup sticking to his pants, somehow thinks the boys are pokin’ fun at him when they ask him to sing, “Come, O, Come with me.”

(March 18, 1875, p. 3)

   Mr. E. R. Hinckley, the lightning business man of Walnut, with his family returned from New York, where they have been visiting, last week.

   The grand ball and social hop at Walnut last Wednesday evening, (St. Patrick’s Day,) was a most enjoyable affair and netted quite a handsome sum.

   A young gentleman while returning from the ball at Walnut, was compelled to shovel his girl out of a snow drift.  He was celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

   And he sat down with a frown, but his wife yanked him up by the crown of the head, with the remark: “You old fool you’ve ruined my spring bonnet!”

(March 25, 1875, p. 3)

   Walnut Station is to have a tin shop—a practical workman proposes starting one there soon.

   Henry Orcutt, of Walnut, is agent for a new wind mill for this and adjoining counties, and proposes to make the mill business red-hot the coming summer.

   We understand that a change has been made in the Walnut Creek Station post office—Capt. Frisbie going out and Leander Lodge taking his place.

(April 1, 1875, p. 3)


BAUR—KAUFMAN.—By W. H. Linfor, J. P., at Walnut Station, Mr. William Baur to Miss Caroline Kaufman, all of Walnut.

(April 8, 1875, p. 3)