Educational Column, May 1909


By R. M. Lampman, Assisted by the Corps of Teachers of the Walnut Public Schools

The writer has been observing some of the excellent work done in Miss Hinkson’s classes in Algebra, during the week.  We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our confidence in the ability of this most estimable young lady.  May she secure the promotion which her ability merits.

The school is nearing its close.  While it has been a hard year, we feel that it is not without results.  There have been lessons of various kinds; some pleasant tasks, others not so pleasant.  So goes the world. 

Music in the High School is conspicuous by its absence.  A seeming desire on a majority of the pupils to refrain from participating in this elevating recreation led to the act of elimination of the work, entirely.  When some express a desire to have the work resumed we may consider its reinstatement.

We should very much desire that an examination of the penmanship manuscripts hanging in the various rooms be made by some party outside of school.  An inspection would certainly reflect credit upon the Palmer Method as well as the instructor.

The sixth grade have made some fine drawings of the eye from memory, putting in ten of the parts of the same.  Those who did exceptional good work were Bessie Overton, Hulda Sornsen, and Ruth Mickel.

Anyone visiting High School on certain Fridays during baseball season would think we were conducting a school for young ladies exclusively, but not so, on Thursdays when the boys are making strenuous efforts to prepare all their work in advance.

Monise Lewis has been absent several days this week from room three on account of sickness.

Misses Packard and Dunn attended an educational meeting at Portsmouth last Saturday.

Cecil Stuart was absent a couple of days last week on account of the illness of his mother.

Some excellent work in drawing has been done by several members of the eight grade.

Geo. Wolf and Glen Fell, of the eighth grade, accompanied the ball team to Neola last Friday.

Button-hole bouquets seem to be the latest “fad” in the eighth grade.

The Walnut H. S. squad boarded the 1:10 train last Saturday, bound for Anita, where they expected to pull off a victory.  How surprised and disappointed were they when on arriving at their destination to find that the game had been cancelled.  A letter of special delivery had been sent to the manager at Walnut which reached him Sunday morning at 9 a.m.  However, we received our expense money and royal treatment while in their hands, and are congratulating ourselves over the possibility of a worse fate.  A telephone is the surest way to send information for short distances.

Another week of school and three of our efficient teachers sever their connection with the Walnut Schools.  Miss Lewis, because of an indisposition in health, is forced to abandon temporarily, the profession of teaching.  Miss Broughton, for reasons known to her intimate friends, will take up a role of life—probably elsewhere.  While the writer has had but a short acquaintance with these two young ladies in a professional way, yet this acquaintance has been sufficient to prove to him that he is losing two valuable assistants.

I believe mention was made last week of Miss Hinkson’s work and her desire to better her interests.  Our Asst. Principal is in line for promotion, and we heartily support her in her effort.

Leona Bohnk has been absent this week on account of sickness.

The Second Reader Grade are thoroughly enjoying their dramatization of Hiawatha.  They have built a wigwam, and made bows and arrows.

The following in room three have been neither absent nor tardy for the past eight and a half months:  Carl Paulsen, Doris Madsen, Maurine Griffith, Pearl Pedersen, and Wineford Addison.

Maurine Griffith has been absent all week on account of sickness.

Doris Thiessen was absent two days this week.  While playing Monday afternoon she fell and severely injured her right arm.  (The Walnut Bureau, May 21 & May 28, 1909)