DISCOVERIES: Henry & Aseneth Whitaker and Maria Sanchez



There were edit requests on Findagrave from John Homer for Whitakers buried in the Lincoln Township Cemetery. We didn’t have much information on Henry and Aseneth Whitaker, so I have been trying to verify his requests. We have received many very long emails from him that give great details about his life and his family. He lives in Florida, but grew up in Hancock, New York.

The Whitakers lived east of Hancock, Iowa not far from my home place. I have put John Homer in touch with the person who lives on the farm now.


The obituary for Maria Sanchez states “Mrs. Maria Sanchez was born Aug. 1, 1892 in Mexico. She was married to Pedro Sanchez in Davenport, Iowa, June 29, 1910. She was taken sick on Christmas Day 1914, and lost her baby from fright in May following in Oskaloosa, Iowa and died in Walnut, Iowa, on June 17, 1915. The long sickness reduced the family to extreme poverty. She leaves her husband and two beautiful little children, a boy, Garvin, and a girl, Romanda, to mourn her loss, also her mother, Micela Ramues, a brother at Wiota, Iowa, Rafail Ponse, and a sister at Muscatine, Iowa. The remains were interred in Walnut Cemetery.  Rev. Joseph B. Cherry conducted the service Thursday at 4:00 p.m. June 17.”

This article was in The Walnut Bureau on June 24, 1915. In the same paper was the following article that speaks highly of Walnut. “What a Lighted Candle Did. On June 10 Rev. Joseph B. Cherry was walking on the Rock Island track when he was asked by a Mexican woman from the bunk car to get a candle for her sick daughter Mrs.  Maria Sanchez, who she thought was dying.

Three candles were brought at once for this dying Catholic woman but the light of their faces was greater than that of the candles.s

‘The Inspiration of God is the candle of the Lord in the human soul’ Prov. 20:27. The name of Jesus is the only name found in all languages and around that name we learned enough Spanish and they enough English to accomplish our mission to this dying stranger in Walnut.

Frank McLyman discovered the family in their sorrow and destitution.

Mayor Louis Neff was notified and Dr. Moore called. Mr. White the agent of the road and Mr. Thomas section foreman investigated and then their cot was brought from the Express office and Mr. White paid the charges. For about ten days the sick woman had lain on a board and the rest slept on the floor.

Then came the candle which brought to light the real humanity of Walnut. The details are too many to record here but I know of at least fifty-eight families who had a part in this one-week mission to relieve the want, suffering, and sorrow, I do not know all, and several who had gifts to send were not permitted for death cut short our mission.

Bed, bedding, towels, dishes, cooking utensils, range, wholesome food, milk, and dainties for the sick woman, and flowers to bring cheer to that place.

When this spontaneous work began there was absolutely nothing there, and in three days there was nothing lacking even to every article of clothing.

No begging was done for the lighted candle did the work and showed the way. Father Gaffney, Pastors Stroud and Cherry and members of Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Seventh Day Adventist broke down the sectarian fences and any who were not members of churches were all bringing what they had.

When they were told that Mrs. Louis Neff, the Mayor’s wife was coming to see them, it was a new thing, and the abode took on a new face, and Mrs. Neff will never forget the sight of that sweet child Romanda, when she presented her the doll Winifred Heflin sent.

Miss Mae Brown missed seeing the child when the grandmother put that beautiful dress on her and which she wore when they left for Wiota.

They told me of Edwin Carey’s gift which he carried to them.

The real evidence of appreciation is the use the poor people make of what you give them and the visible effect it has on their lives.

Those worthy of special mention in the burial service are Messrs. Comer, Oerman, Hagge, Long.

Expenses were all met and fare of the grandmother and freight on the goods given by the people, was paid to Wiota and a couple of dollars for the children. It all came and passed on in one short week and seems like a delightful dream which we remember but which we never dream again for other things come to take their place.

Rafail Ponse, brother of the dead woman said: ‘I never saw a place like Walnut.’ Jesus said: ‘Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of them my brethren ye did it unto me.’ Joseph B. Cherry.”

Maria Sanchez does not have a gravestone here, but we assume that she would have been buried in the northeast end of the south part of the cemetery.