by Karen Hansen

An order has recently been issued by Sup’t Stillwater of the C. R. I. & P., to keep children and others who have no business with the company, away from stations, stockyards, and cars. To prevent jumping on and off trains while in motion and the marring of coaches in passing trains, by holding sticks or any hard substance against them. The company has concluded to use stringent measures in aggravated cases. I would respectfully ask parents to aid as far as possible in keeping their children away from danger and penalties of the law.  F. B. LEFEBER, Agent. (Walnut Bureau, March 29, 1895)

The Walnut News, March 24, 1881, p. 3
Walnut Bureau, September 7, 1888, p. 1
Walnut Bureau, February 5, 1904, p. 1
Walnut Bureau, February 14, 1918